When it comes to healthy living, and foods that can help achieve this, most people think of fruits and the popular smoothies from which they are made. However, as well as fruit, the so-called 5-a-day recommendation also includes vegetables. Indeed, they are recommended over fruit due to their lower acidity and sugar content. Though fruit is, of course, still very good for you, and it is recommended that approximately half your plate be composed of and balanced mix of vegetables and fruit.
Vegetables are key sources of fibre, but also vitamins and anti-oxidants, and juicing vegetables is one of the best ways to avail of them, without risking losing out on goodness due to breakdown of the vegetable that occurs during cooking. The issue that many people have, it that the preparation time required for vegetables eaten in the traditional sense, often means that they do not consume as much as they would like. Or should for that matter. Here are some key-areas that vegetables can help maintain and keep healthy.
Gastro-Intestinal Health
Fibre is an important ingredient in any diet. It contributes to the maintenance of a healthy gastrointestinal system. It also contributes to satiety, or fullness, helping to stave off hunger and suppressing the urge to snack on fatty or sugary foods. Great sources of fibre include kale, beetroot and spinach, and adding these three to your juicer will provide a powerful boost to your overall gut health.
Liver and Kidneys
The stalwarts of your endocrine system, these organs filter toxins and impurities from your blood. They are constantly working, and keeping them healthy is essential. Try adding some beetroot, carrots and spinach to the mix, to help purify them. These vegetable juices will provide vitamin A and chlorophyll to the diet, both powerful ingredients for this purpose, and will help you take care of them.
Adding a glass of vegetable juice to your diet can reduce risk of heart attack and stroke, by reducing harmful cholesterol. A cocktail of beetroot, carrots and radishes is a tasty way to achieve this, and help keep your ticker in good working order. Furthermore, tomatoes, celery and bell peppers assist in cleansing your blood and lend themselves well to a healthier heart as a result.
Focus and learning ability can be improved with properly regulated blood-sugar levels, as well as a healthy circulatory system. Asparagus, one of nature’s super-foods, together with Parsnips and Radishes will help deliver key nutrients to keep you alert and help improve your cognitive abilities.
Lifestyle Benefits of Juicing Vegetables
Juicing vegetables allows you to avail of these key, nutrient-dense foods without the need for long preparation. Once washed, the slow-juicing of the produce will yield a ready-to-drink refreshment, full of wholesome goodness.
It is worth bearing in mind that the flavours can be quite strong, both on their own or mixed together. Novice juice-drinkers may wish to start off with milder flavours, such as cucumber, sweet potato, celery and carrots. A more seasoned palette may wish to take a braver approach, and a super-shake of spinach, beetroot, blueberries, parsley, garlic and beets will offer a plethora of goodness. The colour and flavour are sure to impress, as are the health-benefits on offer.
Finally, many of the above, along with Arugula, are so-called anti-cancer drugs, i.e. they are rich in antioxidants that help cleanse your body of free-radicals, and protect you from their harmful effects. They also contribute to your overall appearance, helping to maintain healthy skin, hair nails and eyes. Pick your favourites from the above and take your healthy-living up a notch. And don’t be afraid to add your own take to the mix, by adding whatever vegetables, or fruits for that matter, you feel you will benefit most from.