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Hamilton Beach 932 Commercial Citrus Juicer Review

12 May 2024

My Mom has this nifty little gizmo in her kitchen. It’s a juicer, bright green and yellow, designed to squeeze the dickens out of both lemons and limes. Have to admit, its even kind of fun to use for the first fruit or two. But after that? My arm goes numb, my wrist starts to hurt and I begin to develop a deep-seated hatred for all things citrus.

I knew there had to be a solution, one that didn’t involve electricity and still gave my Mom the giant amounts of juice she was looking for.

Enter the Hamilton Beach 932 Commercial Citrus Juicer. This little guy is sleek, he’s handsome and he can squeeze out lemons, lime and all their citrus related cousins in record time. Basically, he’s my brand new best juicing friend.

Now let me tell you why:

The Hamilton Beach 932 Is A Commercial Grade Juicer

Why is commercial grade important? Because it means that the Hamilton Beach 932 Commercial Citrus Juicer can take a licking and keep on squeezing. With a manual juicer, you want a unit that is sturdy. One that can work through large amounts of fruit without breaking down and literally cracking under the pressure. The Hamilton Beach 932 Commercial Citrus Juicer can give you that. It is well made with a specialized rack and pinion turn-style gearing that holds up extremely well over the long run. What does this mean to you? It means that you can enjoy your morning blast of freshness for a long time to come.

High Pressure Means More Juice Extracted

Here is the deal with high pressure. The better the pressure the better the extraction rate, especially in relation to the amount of force you have to exert. This is a good thing. It means that you can get your juice without breaking into a sweat every time you step up to the counter. With the ability to exert up to 2,000 pounds of pressure, the Hamilton Beach 932 Commercial Citrus Juicer is more than able to get the job done quickly and efficiently.

Use The Removable Strainer To Control The Amount Of Pulp You Get

The removable strainer is important because it allows you to customize your daily juicing to your heart's content. Want all the pulpy goodness floating in your glass? Leave the strainer out. Pulp makes you gag? Pop it in. Either way, you get your juice the way you want each and every time. I’m a fan of this feature because I’m a fan of customization. Not every person wants to drink their juice the same way and your juicer should reflect that fact.

Narrow And Not Bulky

The last thing any of us want is some giant dinosaur lurking on our countertop or monopolizing precious cabinet space. In fact, this is one of my favorite things about the Hamilton Beach 932 Commercial Citrus Juicer, it’s sleek, narrow and attractive. Meaning that you can leave it out round the clock and not have to worry about an ugly eyesore front and center in your kitchen. Good looks and great efficiency? Sounds like a winner to me!

What’s Good

The good thing about the Hamilton Beach 932 Commercial Citrus Juicer is that it is able to exert force without tipping over, meaning you can juice without taking a bath. Also, this juicer does a great job of extracting most of the liquid from the fruit, meaning that there is little to no waste. And, once all the fun is over, your Hamilton Beach 932 Commercial Citrus Juicer is very easy to clean. Meaning that you can enjoy your tasty beverage without spending the rest of your day cleaning things up.

What’s Not So Good

First, this is a manual juicer, no plug, no batteries, so there will be some elbow grease required. Some people will see this as a good thing while others won’t be so sure. I’m a fan, but you need to make sure that you are comfortable with what you are buying. Second, while the Hamilton Beach 932 Commercial Citrus Juicer has a nice sleek profile, it stands at a whopping 20″ tall. So measure your countertops before you buy to make sure that it will fit.

What’s Included

Your juicer and nothing but your juicer. So jump in, get started and have some fun.

What Owners Are Saying currently has 50 reviews for the Hamilton Beach 932 Commercial Citrus Juicer. Of those 38 were for the full 5 stars, giving this juicer an overall ranking of 4.5 stars. That’s very high for a juicer or for any kitchen appliance for that matter. Owners really love their Hamilton Beach Citrus Juicers.

Positive Reviews

Owners of the Hamilton Beach 932 Commercial Citrus Juicer say they love how easy this juicer is to use and how quickly it cleans up. Plus, they can work their way through a bag of oranges in no time flat. Meaning that you knock out the work and get to the fun faster than ever before. I love how one user stated that it took longer to cut her lemons in half than it did for her to juice them. That is the kind of efficiency I’m looking for!

Negative Reviews

On the other hand, many users say that this juicer is better suited for small fruit. Meaning lemons, limes and small to mid-sized oranges. Not that the Hamilton Beach 932 Commercial Citrus Juicer can’t work with larger fruits like grapefruit, but owners say that the arm doesn’t seem to have the strength to fully juice this type of fruit. One user even stated that juicing larger fruit made him nervous because he was afraid that the arm would snap before he finished. While this report is probably a little exaggerated, just know your own strength and you shouldn’t have any problems.

Read More About the Hamilton Beach 932 Commercial Citrus Juicer

If you are interested in this unit but would like to know more, make sure you check out They have several helpful reviews you can browse through and a large selection of first-hand user reviews. Also, check out the Hamilton Beach website. The manufacturer is always a good place to start if you want accurate data. You can read more Hamilton Beach 932 Commercial Citrus Juicer reviews by clicking here.

Best Places to Buy the Hamilton Beach 932 Commercial Citrus Juicer

While the Hamilton Beach 932 Commercial Citrus Juicer can be purchased from a number of different retailers, I am always going to suggest that you check before you buy. Why? Because they offer great discounts to their customers and, more often than not, free shipping to boot. At last check, Amazon offered the Hamilton Beach 932 Commercial Citrus Juicer for $70 off retail price. Have to love a good deal!

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