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Best Wheatgrass Juicer: The Best Juicers Available To Buy Today

17 May 2024

One of the best ways to consume wheatgrass according to health experts is to get it down into your body system in liquid form. To achieve this, you will need the best wheatgrass juicer that will save you stress and time without losing the vital nutrients that should be in the juice.

So, what is the best wheatgrass juicer on the market? In the article, I am going to give you a lens to see through the best and affordable kind of juicer for wheatgrass your money can buy.

Before that, we have to establish some basic facts about wheatgrass juicer and how you can make the best decision that will ultimately give you value for your money.

Basic Facts About Wheatgrass

  1. They are highly nutritious, containing minerals, vitamins, amino acids and enzymes.
  2. Wheatgrass is said to have some kind of curative properties that supplements your nutrition.
  3. They can be taken in juice or powder form. Nevertheless, when taken as a juice, you will get all the nutrients when compared with the powder form.
  4. It is not recommended to use any of the best centrifugal juicers for Wheatgrass

How To Choose The Best Wheatgrass Juicer

Basically, there are two types of wheatgrass juicer so you really don’t have a whole of options, you will make your decision once you discover what suit your needs and budget. Here are the two types of Wheatgrass juicer:

  1. Manual Wheatgrass Juicer
  2. Electric Wheatgrass Juicer

Manual Wheatgrass Juicer

Manual Wheatgrass juicers are not really bulky and not entirely primitive; they are designed only for the purpose of getting juice out of Wheatgrass. Their compact design makes them very handy; you can move them easily and do not require electricity to work – only a little work with your arm to get started. You just crank the little machine with the Wheatgrass and you are ready to go.

Manual Wheatgrass juicers are very easy to clean, they don’t produce heat and you get a high yield of Wheatgrass juice.

Like I said earlier, if you decide to get a manual Wheatgrass juicer, you will not be able to juice anything else except a Wheatgrass!

So, if that is not what you want and you don’t want to do a little bit of exercise with your hands, you should consider getting an electric Wheatgrass juicer.

Electric Wheatgrass  Juicer

Electric Wheatgrass juicers are basically masticating juicers. Only the best masticating juicers can extract quality juice from wheatgrass.

They only drawback is that they are a little bit expensive but the price is justified when you realize the awesome juicing functions they can carry out.

Electric juicers will save you stress, time, and energy while leaving with options to juice other fruits, vegetables, and even nuts. So, you can never go wrong if you decide to buy an electric juicer.

Alright, with that said and done. Let us take a look at the best Wheatgrass juicers you can buy right now and not regret later. If you value your money you will take this list to heart, because they are weeks of hard work and intensive research to make you spend wisely.

Best Wheatgrass Juicers: Making The Right Choice

1. Miracle Stainless Steel Manual Juicer

A lot of people have called this equipment the best wheatgrass juicer, though manual in operation, it is designed out of non-toxic materials that help prevent bacteria from the juice. It is very easy to use and clean, it equally has a lot of positive reviews from users juicing with it.

Right out of the box, you will get a wrench, pusher, stainless steel auger, stainless steel screen, and end cap. It can be used for commercial purpose as well as limited to your home use.

One of its biggest selling points is that a high yield of the juice produced which contains low foam. With this manual wheatgrass juicer, you can juice vegetables and very few soft fruits.

2. Lexen GP27

The compact Lexan GP27 manual wheatgrass juicer comes with a nice design that works like a masticating juicer; it munches the wheatgrass in other to extract the juice while preserving the nutrients.

This is the best wheatgrass juicer you can get for a cheap price. Yet, it is rugged, efficient and very easy to use and maintain.

3. Omega J8006 Nutrition Center

Omega J8006 masticating juicer is arguably the best masticating juicer on the market. The juicer is designed with the best engineering materials, it is simple to use and very powerful.

With the Omega J8006 Nutrition center, you get a high yield of juice. There is no oxidation, no loss of nutrient, no form, no clogging, and no froth. It just has to be the best wheatgrass juicer you need for your juicing needs.

If there is any drawback, it will have to do with timing. You have to wait for some time while your juice is being processed inside the chamber of Omega J8006, but when you eventually get to consume the juice, you will have nothing to worry about because the juice is totally worth the wait.

4. Champion G5 PG720

The champion G5 PG720 has a stunning design despite being a little bit bulky. It may still appeal to you if you have some kind of extra space in your kitchen to give up for this heavy-duty electric juicing machine.

The G5 PG720 has a large feeding chamber that will let you juice whole fruits, wheatgrass, and vegetables without ever needing to cut them first into pieces. This will really save time while you get busy with other things.

It is a rugged juicing machine, and they will still let you have a 10-year warranty if you decide to purchase it. I think the guys are really confident of their product, so if you want a juice with high nutrient and ease of use, the Champion G5 PG720 could really fit into your needs.

5. Hurricane Stainless Steel Manual Wheatgrass Juicer

This manual juicer is very basic and traditional. It is designed with cutting-edge steel materials to maximize effective juicing.

There is no so much to say about this manual juicing machine for wheatgrass, the bottom line is that it only does what is designed to do – that is to give you high juice yield while being both easy to use and maintain.

Final Recommendation: Omega J8006 Nutrition Center

There are so many manual wheatgrass and electric wheatgrass juicer out there in the wild. Some companies have marketed what they don’t offer and innocent users have bought juicers that didn’t meet their specific needs because they didn’t really carry out sufficient research before making a decision.

If I have to choose the best wheatgrass juicer from the lot, the first juicing machine that easily comes to mind is the Omega J8006 Nutrition Center. This juicing machine has been an instant success from the first day it was commercially available, it has got tons of positive reviews and it equally does exactly what Omega says it does.

With this juicer, you are getting an all-round-performer that can juice whole fruit, vegetables, wheatgrass and nuts. It has a powerful motor with a speed that doesn’t go past 80RMPs. If you are under some kind of weight loss program or you are very detailed with the kind juice you consume, the Omega J8006 Nutrition Center really goes over the board to ensure you are extracting only juice that has little or no loss of nutrient.

Juice extracted with the Omega J8006 juicer can stay longer, about 72-hours after juicing before it becomes unhealthy to consume. This is because of the low heat during juicing and the elimination of oxidation. Nevertheless, I will advise you to consume your juice after juicing, it is better to do so when still fresh than leaving it under cool temperature where it get contact with air.

So if you wanted me to make a final decision on the best wheatgrass juicer money can buy, the Omega J8006 Nutrition center is your answer!


So much has been said already. If you read down to this place, it really means you are a serious and passionate juicer like me. I want to assure you that whatever decision you take based on your needs or your budget, you are making the right one provided it is within the scope of this review.

Wheatgrass Juicers are everywhere, but deciding what the best Wheatgrass juicer is require a lit bit of effort in research. All the juicers listed in this page have great ratings, including method of operation, design language, ease of use and simplicity of maintaining them.

I believe that this has really been helpful. I will see you again as we continue in this addictive business of juicing.

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